Equality between the sexes means peace between the sexes.

Welcome to “The Equalitarian.”

A site dedicated to everything and anything equalist-related. From a economic, political and social perspective. This site is pro-feminist and pro-masculinist; it is equalist. A sociopolitical terminology used to define a form of balance between the sexes in all spheres of the structure that holds up a national community (spheres; separate classes of influence and authority within a nation; economic, political and social).

Equalitarianism is a perspective meant to eradicate sexist stereotypes and the gender construct that hinders the psychological growth of individuals both male and female. (Gender construct: a subjective definition of behaviors and looks, sex-typed to an individual on basis of them being male or female. Such behavioural and lookist expectancies influence how they are socialized into the society).

The basis of the gender construct is “the feminine,” and “the masculine.” This is the foundation of sexism. How so?

Well, let’s begin with this: You are only taught to nurture a certain side of yourself. Other areas of potential are ignored or there is an attempt to suppress them or eradicate them entirely (e.g.: such as "signs," of "sensitivity," in men. Such as crying- a natural human respondent to emotional or physical pain). Reality is, when one guides themselves by the rules of the gender construct, by attempting to adhere to the social status quo of their gender role (by being the most "masculine," or most “feminine,”) one strips themselves away of any sense of autonomy or individuality.

If you all just anger, violence and aggression or pseudo-happiness and attractiveness, what are you really worth?

How can a person be psychologically stable and a well-rounded individual, when they are unable to identify and understand certain aspects of themselves because those traits have been repressed through “gender role,” socialization?

Our concepts of what is appropriate for men and women is influenced by the socio-cultural criteria that builds up boundaries for what we are “allowed,” to do, not necessarily what we “can” do. Our reactions to anyone behaving in a way that does not fit within the feminine or masculine mold is one of contempt because we see it as “abnormal.” We are taught to accept gender roles as a way of life; it is something that simplifies our society by classifying men and women into further sub-classifications of acceptable looks, behaviors and occupations. These are major set-backs in the sociopolitical growth of “any” society.

One cannot achieve “true” equality when references will still be made to their lack of “femininity,” or “masculinity,” because they choose to look, act or pursue a certain criteria that is deemed by the culture as non-feminine or emasculating. Such a mentality, destroys the self-esteem of individuals who look outside the feminine or masculine frame and attempt to abolish the gender role that’s been pushed on them since birth.

Gender role molding starts at an early age. We learn to attribute specific external elements to ourselves. We learn to relate colors (e.g.: blue is for boys, pink is for girls. These things being the foundation of gender construct ideals) to our biological sex. We learn to relate ourselves with certain emotions (e.g.: anger is for boys, boys don’t cry, crying is for girls). We are taught to loathe certain qualities, qualities related to the opposite-sex, resulting in us loathing that specific sex (e.g.: crying is for the weak, crying is for girls, girls are weak, boys don’t cry, thus; boys are strong). We are taught that certain clothing designs are appropriate for one sex and inappropriate for another (e.g. skirts is for girls, boxers are for boys, etc).

We do not question these things. Since we are socialized into accepting them at an early age, taught to see them as the way things “should be.” This traditionalist way of thinking stops the progression of a society and the culture cannot evolve into a more fortunate epoch. These limitations, also form an invisible wedge between the sexes and creates an abysmal space between the two because the differences are further contrasted because of the gender construct.

This site is to liberate men and women from the limitations of the gender construct, from the traditionalist ideology that has resulted in men and women struggling to embrace qualities suppressed by the socio-cultural standards set before us at birth. The more we free ourselves from the standardized, idealized views of what it means to be a man (“the masculine”) and what it means to be a woman (“the feminine”). Then, can we come to a point of complete comfortability with our capabilities and similarities that are much stronger than our differences.

This site is anti-misandry (the hatred of men) and anti-misogyny (the hatred of women). This site is anti-sexism (a form of discrimination based on the sex of an individual). If you hold preconceived, sexist notions towards men or women, a bid you to remain and gain an understanding of how sexism is destroying developing boys and girls and is affecting grown men and women alike.